Mood Swings

I took part in the creation of the short game "Mood Swings" as a member of a group of 4. We participated in the "Brackey's Game Jam 2021.2" and created this project in the span of a week.

The theme was "Let there be chaos". We decided to implement it in the level design and in the story.

We settled on a challenging platformer game with physics-based traps and obstacles, in a cyberpunk aesthetic. The whole level represents the inside of a malfunctioning robot's brain, and the player is the programmer who came to fix the problems. He has to succeed before the timer runs out. If he fails, the robot will bring chaos and destruction to the world.

My responsibilities on the project:
- brainstorming basic concepts with the team
- main menu UI design
- generic UI design tasks
- part of the level design
- obstacle design
- part of the narrative design, writing texts
- handling the page and uploading the project page:
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